It’s a … Animal Coloring Book.
Ideal for gestalt language processors and those who love learning about animals. Autism, early intervention. Speech Therapy.
A coloring book about animals.
Mitigable gestalt - It’s a + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages.
Includes ‘its a’ phrase for stages 1,2,3 and 'it’s a and a ’ for stages 4-6.
Click here to check out our matching 'It’s a…" story!
Bedtime To-Do List
SPED, special education, autism, communication, early intervention, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning.
Visual bedtime to-do lists can support your child and help to teach them how to get ready for bed independently. They also help to reduce anxiety around the process and give the child clear guidance on what steps need to be taken in which order.
Pre-made to-do list
Editable to-do list
Neurodiversity-Affirming Identity/Self-Awareness. PDF.
Autism, early intervention, SPED, speech therapy, special education, back to school.
Identity and Self-Awareness are important concepts for children and teenagers to understand in order to develop self-concept and self-esteem.
A great activity for a new class or back to school!
Card game - identity developing game.
All About Me editable profile page.
**** 52 Visual Location/Places Matching Cards****
Autism, Gestalt language processors, flash cards, SPED, vocabulary, Speech Therapy, special education, early intervention, literacy, GLP, NLA, Natural language acquisition
Cards support children with learning locations/places, natural language acquisition, reading and understanding.
Can be used for:
vocabulary building
sorting cards
flash cards
matching games
understanding representation of locations in photo and picture forms
** 44 Visual Animal Matching Cards**
Autism, Gestalt language processors, flash cards, SPED, vocabulary, Speech Therapy, special education, early intervention, literacy, GLP, NLA, Natural language acquisition
Cards support children with learning the animals, natural language acquisition, reading and understanding.
Can be used for:
vocabulary building
sorting cards (wild, farm, home etc.)
flash cards
matching games
understanding representation of animals in photo and picture forms
Autism, visuals, SPED, Speech Therapy, special education, early intervention, literacy, neurodiversity-affirming, preschool, kindergarten, communication, pre-k
These choice boards give all children, verbal and non-verbal, a chance to choose activities and subjects they would like. This sense of control over their lives, fosters a positive mindset and reduces stress.
For children, who often have limited control over their daily activities, choice boards become a valuable tool. The act of making decisions allows them to feel more in charge, boosting their confidence and overall well-being.
8 choice boards
48 cards
60 editable cards to design yourself
SPED, SEN, special education, speech therapy, early intervention, vocabulary, autism.
Designed to support with the teaching and learning of body parts. Helps children to learn the different body parts and communicated when they are not feeling well.
12 body parts visual cards
1 ‘Where Hurts?’ visual communication board
2 activity sheets (matching word to picture)
1 activity sheet (matching word to photo)
4 activity sheets (matching to parts of the body)
My AAC Device - Social Story PDF. Autism. Neurodiversity. Speech Therapy.
SPED, communication, autism, early intervention, visuals, speech therapy, special education.
Social Story to help children understand how to use and look after their AAC device.
EDITABLE Social Story: Moving to my New Home. PDF.
SPED, communication, autism, early intervention, visuals, speech therapy, special education.
Social Story to help explain moving house to children. Helps to reduce anxiety around change. Uses lots of visuals and can be easily edited for each child.
Understanding Autism Social Story. PDF. Neurodiversity. Neuro-inclusive.
SPED, communication, autism, early intervention, visuals, speech therapy, special education.
Confidence-building Social Story to help children understand autism.
Communication Passport - How to help me manage my emotions - Anger management
SEL, social emotional learning, Autism, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning, SPED
Booklet with spaces for you to fill in your child’s details to help explain to those working with and caring for your child how best to support them to manage their anger and how to spot when they are becoming stressed. It also lets them know potential triggers and your child’s likes/dislikes.
Reducing Screen Time Social Story (My iPad/Tablet)
SPED, communication, autism, early intervention, visuals, speech therapy, special education.
Explains the effects of too much screen time to children, helps them consider alternatives, setting a time limit and working for iPad/tablet time.
Social Story
2 Activity Sheets
Reward Chart
Communication Passport Editable Template (New School, Starting School) - PowerPoint template to personalize.
Autism, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning, SPED
A great resource to give to a new school so they can learn about how your child communicates, what their sensory preferences are, what makes them happy and sad, if they are on medication or need assistance with feeding/toileting etc.
Crossing the Road
SPED, special education, autism, communication, road safety.
Social Story to teach children how to cross the road safely and learn the rules of the road.
What is Neurodiversity Social Story - Includes activity - PDF
SEL, social emotional, SPED, autism, SPED, speech therapy, special education, school counselling.
Celebrating neurodiversity is vital for building confidence, promoting inclusion and developing an understanding of differences. However, students can find it a difficult term to understand. This social story explains neurodiversity to children and teenagers in an accessible way using visuals and language.
Includes activity sheet
What is neurodiversity?
Different preferences.
Sensory sensitivities
Famous neurodivergent people.
Neurodiversity-Affirming Identity/Self-Awareness Social Story. PDF.
Autism, early intervention, SPED, speech therapy, special education.
Identity and Self-Awareness are important concepts for children and teenagers to understand in order to develop self-concept and self-esteem. This neuro-inclusive social story explore this concept and provides activities to enhance learning.
Story covers:
Different physical characteristics
Different families
Different likes/dislikes
Different types of homes
Different locations
Different communication styles
Different sensory preferences
Incudes 2 activity sheets
Christmas Social Story
Days off school.
Letter to Santa
Santa’s visit
Christmas dinner
Christmas crackers
Sensory needs
Christmas clothes
Bedtime Social Story
SPED, special education, autism, communication, early intervention, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning.
Discusses going to bed, when to go to bed, following a schedule and taking the steps needed to go to bed.
**Dinner Time Social Story **
SPED, special education, autism, communication, sharing, early intervention, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning.
Discusses dinner time, eating your own food, not taking other people’s food, asking for foods you would like, explaining when you don’t like your food.
Includes 2 activity sheets.